1. 教育背景
2011.03–2014.08 University of Notre Dame,Post-doctoral
2005.09–2010.12 湖北老员工命科学学院,理学博士
2001.09–2005.06 湖北老员工命科学学院,理学学士
2. 工作经历
2017.08–2020.1 University of Notre Dame,Research Scientist
2014.09 至今 湖北老员工命科学学院,讲师,硕士生导师
1 代谢组学
2. 药物化学
1. 湖南省自然科学基金联合项目(2024JJ8224):雷公藤甲素衍生物结构改造及靶向抗肺癌活性研究,2024.01-2025.12,主持。
2. 国家青基金(81903484):基于NQO1激活的雷公藤甲素全新衍生物的合成及抗肝癌活性研究,2020.01–2022.12,参与
3. 药物高通量筛选技术国家地方联合工程研究中心,M20181004,雷公藤甲素衍生物的合成及抗肝癌活星研究,2018/01,主持。
4. 湖北省教育厅青人才项目,Q20171007,筛创伤性脑损伤后ADAM10对Tau蛋白的降解作用,2017.01–2018.12,参与
5. 湖北省卫计委一般面上项目:ADAM10在特发性肺纤维化中的作用研究,2017.01–2018.12,主持
6. 湖北省教育厅青人才项目,Q2015008,筛选与特发性肺纤维化疾病相关的解离素金属蛋白酶,2015.01–2016.12,主持
1. Chen, Y.H.; Liang, M.Y.; Li, W.; Yang, Z.M.; Yan, X.T.; Wu, L.Y.; Yu, Q.; Chen, Y.B.; Chen, Y.; Xu, Y*.; Song, W*.; Peng, Z.H*. Water-soluble and predictable-release triptolide prodrugs block bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2024,116839.
2. Wu, L.; Chen, Z.; Yu, Q.; Fang, J.; Chen, Y.; Chen, Y.; Wang, K.; Xu, Y*.; Song, W*.; Z. Peng*. (2023) NAD (P)H Quinone Dehydrogenase 1-Targeting Triptolide Analogue Causes Tumor Regression and Sensitizes Cisplatin-Resistant Lung Cancer to Chemotherapy. ACS Pharmacol. Transl. Sci, 6 (10), 1508-1517.
3. Wang Y., Pi Y., Hu L., Peng Z., Hu H., Zhao J. et al. (2023) Proteomic analysis of foot ulcer tissue reveals novel potential therapeutic targets of wound healing in diabetic foot ulcers, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 159: 106858.
4. Peng Z*., Lavigne J.P. (2023) Pathogenesis of diabetic foot ulcers, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14: 1218201.
5. Li Liu*, Wei Song, Jing Zeng, Zhihong Peng*. (2022) Evaluating a Specific Dual ROCK Inhibitor against Bleomycin-Induced Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in Rats. ACS Pharmacol. Transl. Sci. 5(9): 819-828.
6. Peng Z, Nguyen TT, Wang M, Anderson B, Konai MM, Schroeder, V. A., ... & Chang M*. (2022). Proteomics Identification of Targets for Intervention in Pressure Ulcers. ACS Chemical Biology. 17 (6), 1357–1363.
7. Peng Z, Konai MM, Avila-Cobian LF, Wang M, Mobashery S*, Chang M*. (2022) MMP-1 and ADAM10 as Targets for Therapeutic Intervention in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. ACS Pharmacol. Transl. Sci. 5, (8): 555-561.
8. Masitas C‡, Peng Z‡, Wang M, Konai MM, Avila-Cobian LF, Lemieux L, Hovanesian J, Grady JE, Mobashery S, Chang M*. (2022) Matrix Metalloproteinase-14 as an Instigator of Fibrosis in Human Pterygium and Its Pharmacological Intervention. ACS Pharmacol. Transl. Sci. 5 (8): 555-561.
9. 宋蔚, 吴柳莹, 张文婷, 胡晓艺, 杜晓月, 王梦雅, 郑雪瑶, 左佩文, 彭志红*。 基于 NANO-LC-MS/MS和生物信息学的抗特发性肺纤维化靶点的筛选与验证。中国药学杂志, 2022.57(20):1733-1741。
10. Peng Z. Nguyen TT, Song W, Anderson B, Wolter WR, Schroeder VA, Hesek, D, Lee M, Mobashery S. Chang M. (2021) Selective MMP-9 inhibitor (R)-ND-336 alone or in combination with linezolid accelerates wound healing in infected diabetic mice. ACS Pharmacol. Transl. Sci. 1, 107–117.
11. Qian Y, Allegretta G, Janardhanan J, Peng Z, Mahasenan KV, Lastochkin E, Gozun MMN, Tejera S, Schroeder VA, Wolter WR. (2020) Exploration of the structural space in 4 (3 H)-quinazolinone antibacterials. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 63, 5287–5296.
12. Wang Y, Ji L, Peng Z, Lai R, Zhang X, Xu Y, Chen Z, Liu R, Zhong Y, Hu H. (2020) Silencing DAPK3 blocks the autophagosome-lysosome fusion by mediating SNAP29 in trophoblast cells under high glucose treatment. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 2020, 502, 110674.
13. Boudreau MA, Ding D, Meisel JE, Janardhanan J, Spink E, Peng Z, Qian Y, Yamaguchi T, Testero SA, O’Daniel PI. (2019) Structure-activity relationship for the oxadiazole class of antibacterials. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 11, 322–326.
14. Jones JI. Nguyen TT. Peng Z. Chang M. (2019) Targeting MMP-9 in diabetic foot ulcers. Pharmaceuticals 12, 79.
15. Nguyen TT, Peng Z, Wolter WR, Jones JI, Peterson CE, Mobashery S, Chang, M. (202) In TARGETING MMP-9 FOR TREATMENT OF DIABETIC FOOT ULCERS, WOUND REPAIR AND REGENERATION, WILEY 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, 2019 pp A35–A36.
16. Janardhanan J, Bouley R, Martinez–Caballero S, Peng Z, Batuecas–Mordillo M, Meisel JE, Ding D, Schroeder VA, Wolter WR, Mahasenan KV, Hermoso JA, Mobashery S, Chang M. (2019) Intervention of allosterism in combating methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy 63, e02637–18.
17. Song W, Liu M, Wu J, Zhai H, Chen Y*, Peng Z*.(2019) Preclinical pharmacokinetics of triptolide, a potential antitumor drug. Current Drug Metabolism 20, 147–154.
18. Song W, Yu L*, Peng Z*. (2018) Dataset from proteomic analysis of human liver, lung, kidney and intestine microsomes. Data in Brief 18, 831–834.
19. Song W, Wu J, Yu L*, Peng Z*. (2018) Evaluation of the pharmacokinetics and hepatoprotective effects of phillygenin in mouse. BioMed Research International 2018, 7964318.
20. Liu M, Song W, Du X, Su J, Dong K, Chen Y*, Peng Z*. (2018) An NQO1-selective activated prodrug of triptolide, Synthesis and anti-hepatocellular carcinoma activity evaluation. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 9, 1253–1257.
1. 彭志红,刘媚琳,杨雁羽,杜茜,宋蔚,陈勇. 一种水溶性雷公藤甲素衍生物及其制备方法和用途。授权专利号:ZL 201910325154.0 。
2. 宋蔚,彭志红,刘媚琳,张雪珂,杜茜,陈勇。一种雷公藤甲素衍生物及其制备方法和用途。授权专利号:ZL201710358992.9。
3. 彭志红, 胡哲阳, 吴柳莹, 郑雪瑶, 易会, 罗宽, 陈勇, 宋蔚。荧光探针、 合成方法及应用。申请公布号:CN 116178330 A。申请公布日: 2023.05.30
4. 彭志红,宋蔚,陈雨涵,杨智明,李雯,梁美玉,范力,吴怡媛,陈勇。水溶性雷公藤甲素前药化合物及其合成方法和应用。授权专利号:ZL 202311655754.6