郝俊兴,讲师,主要从事智能柔性电化学设备、食品安全与检测、环境污染物分析等方面的研究工作。近5年,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、武汉市知识创新专项曙光计划、湖北施瓦茨农业集团有限公司技术开发和湖北省博士后创新研究岗位项目共4项。以第一作者或通讯作者在Advanced Functional Materials、Analytical Chemistry、Biosensors and Bioelectronics、Carbon等国际权威期刊发表SCI论文10余篇,科研成果申请发明专利5项。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,电子垃圾拆解区积尘中四溴双酚A的柔性电化学现场快速检测,2024/01-2026/12,主持。
2. 武汉市知识创新专项曙光计划项目,可穿戴式寻址光电化学汗液传感器构建及细胞因子风暴原位监测,2023/06-2025/06,主持。
3. 湖北施瓦茨农业集团有限公司技术开发项目,富硒食品安全性的智能电化学现场快速评估,2022/11-2025/10,主持。
4. 湖北省博士后创新研究岗位项目,可穿戴式光电化学汗液传感器构建及神经肽Y原位监测,2021/06-2022/08,主持。
1. Lingbo Liu, Junxing Hao*, Kangbing Wu*, Potential-driven porous red phosphorus-powered fully integrated arrays for high-throughput photoelectrochemical aptasensing, Adv. Funct. Mater. (2024) DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202414738.
2. Han Wang, Caoling Li, Jingwei Zhang, Zhao Yang, Junjun Li, Yu Cao, Kangbing Wu, Zhihong Liu, Junxing Hao*, Xiaoxue Ye*, NIR-excitable POM-encapsulated Yb-Bi2S3 decorated graphene for wearable photoelectrochemical sensing, Adv. Funct. Mater. 24 (2024) 2315917.
3. Jingwei Zhang, Caoling Li, Han Wang, Zhao Yang, Chengguo Hu, Kangbing Wu, Junxing Hao*, Zhihong Liu*, Machine learning-assisted automatically electrochemical addressable cytosensing arrays for anticancer drug screening, Anal. Chem. 95 (2023) 18907-18916.
4. Junxing Hao, Zeqiang Zhu, Chengguo Hu, Zhihong Liu*, Photosensitive-stamp-inspired scalable fabrication strategy of wearable sensing arrays for noninvasive real-time sweat analysis, Anal. Chem. 94 (2022) 4547-4555.
5. Ling Lei, Jingdong Zhang, Weikang Zhang*, Junxing Hao*, Kangbing Wu*, Ultrasensitive carbon nanotube-bridged MXene conductive network arrays for one-step homogeneous electrochemical immunosensing of tumor markers, Biosens. Bioelectron. 263 (2024) 116609.
6. Junxing Hao, Caoling Li, Can Wu*, Kangbing Wu*, In-situ synthesis of carbon-encapsulated Ni nanoparticles decorated graphene nanosheets with high reactivity toward glucose oxidation and sensing, Carbon 148 (2019) 44-51.
7. Junxing Hao, Liudi Ji, Kangbing Wu*, Nianjun Yang*, Electrochemistry of ZnO@reduced graphene oxides, Carbon 130 (2018) 480-486.
8. Junxing Hao, Mengqi Zhang, Can Wu*, Kangbing Wu*, Monodispersed Ni active sites anchored on N-doped porous carbon nanosheets as high-efficiency electrocatalyst for hydrogen peroxide sensing, Anal. Chim. Acta 1179 (2021) 338812.
9. Junxing Hao, Kangbing Wu*, Chidan Wan, Yong Tang*, Reduced graphene oxide-ZnO nanocomposite based electrochemical sensor for sensitive and selective monitoring of 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine, Talanta 185 (2018) 550-556.
10. Junxing Hao, Caoling Li, Kangbing Wu*, Chengguo Hu*, Nianjun Yang*, Detection of tumor marker using ZnO@reduced graphene oxide decorated with alkaline phosphatase-labeled magnetic beads, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2 (2019) 7747-7754.
11. Rui Lv, Xing Wang, Zhiqiang Mao, Yurong Bai, Junxing Hao*, Fan Zhang*, Engineering sandwiched nanochannel aptasensor for efficiently screening cancer cells, Chem. Eur. J. (2022) e202203380.
12. Junxing Hao, Liudi Ji, Caoling Li, Chengguo Hu, Kangbing Wu*, Rapid, efficient and economic removal of organic dyes and heavy metals from wastewater by zinc-induced in-situ reduction and precipitation of graphene oxide, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. E. 88 (2018) 137-145.
1. 刘志洪*、郝俊兴、王涵、张敬伟、杨赵;基于自给电子供体的光电化学传感阵列和可穿戴传感器及其在监测神经肽Y中的应用,专利号:202410132974.9。
2. 刘志洪*、郝俊兴、张敬伟、王涵;一种高通量、自动化的电化学寻址传感阵列及其筛选抗癌药物的方法和系统,专利号:202311274332.4。
3. 刘志洪*,郝俊兴,朱泽强;单壁碳纳米管基柔性电极阵列和可穿戴传感器及其原位监测汗液的方法,专利号:202210014662.9。
4. 吴康兵*,郝俊兴;一种电化学酶联免疫传感器及其制备与检测抗原的应用,专利号:201910678544.6。
5. 吴康兵*,郝俊兴;一种利用还原剂原位还原氧化石墨烯的污水处理方法,专利号:201710048173.4。